About Us
Laurel Glen is a community located off of Laurel Road just to the southwest of the Pearl Road and Route 303 intersection. Our community consists of 192 proud homeowners and amenities include 3 ponds, a playground, walking paths and large tracts of common area including grass areas, natural areas and woods.
Our community began development in the early 2000’s. Knight Development was the land developer who in turn sold lots to Unmistakenly Premier Homes who built the majority of the homes. A few years ago’ Dress Homes purchased the lots not owned by Unmistakenly Premier Homes and has been building homes since. Landmark Homes also owns lots and plans on building homes soon.
There is a strong re-sale market of homes in our neighborhood with many homes selling quickly. For any potential homebuyer or real estate agent who has any questions regarding the neighborhood or if any information is needed regarding the annual dues and the financial condition of the homeowners association (HOA) feel free to contact Barnett Management or one of the Board of Directors – contact information is listed on this website.